Home Learning

We have a subscription to all areas of the “Learn with Emile” online resource and app, meaning children can use this to learn and practice their spellings, times tables and a range of different maths and grammar topics. This has been shown to have great results when used regularly, so we encourage children to use it for a short time each day. Teachers can also see when children have been online to monitor progress and offer support and encouragement.
Each Friday your child’s teacher sets a task on Emile based on what the children are learning in school at that time. Please can you support your child in completing this task at home before the following Wednesday. Children who complete their homework are rewarded points to spend at the school swap shop.
Every Child has an Emile log in and password. If you do not know your child’s log in and password, please speak to their teaching in the first instance.

All children bring home two books:
- A banded book – a reading book which is at their individual reading level. This is for them to read either independently, or out loud to someone.
- A Joy of Read book – Each year group has a list of Top 30 reads for fiction, which have been carefully chosen. All children are encouraged to choose and take these books home to share with people at home.
The importance of regular reading cannot be emphasised enough and developing your child’s love of reading is something Craven staff work very hard on. Please record (either in their yellow reading, or on a piece of paper) any reading your child does – be that books from school, books they have at home, library books, magazines, websites, letters, song lyrics, instructions, recipes… anything at all!
It is vital children understand how their reading skills help them access a whole world of resources and we thank you for your continued support with this.
Homework Club
We acknowledge at Craven that for some families homework can be a challenge. However, we also know how much it supports children’s learning. Therefore, we run a homework club every Monday after school until 4pm. Children who attend this club to complete their homework are awarded their homework points to spend in school. If you want child to attend, please sign up to this on My Child At School.

Finally, a huge thank you to the children for working so hard and wanting to do extra at home to enhance their learning, and thank you to the parents for supporting your children with their education at Craven.