Extra-Curricular Opportunities
At Craven Primary Academy, we strive to give our children a range of rich extra-curricular activities to inspire and motive them but also to give them memories that will last a lifetime!
Breakfast Club
We know how important it is that children begin their day right. Therefore, we offer a breakfast club to all pupils free of charge. Our breakfast club begins at 8am and children can choose from a range of breakfast options. We have a variety of activities available such as games and reading. If you would like your child to attend breakfast club, contact the school office, who will be able to add your child to the register.
After School Clubs
We offer a wide range of inclusive after school clubs to our pupils. Many of our clubs are delivered by our own staff. However, some are led by high-quality providers. We regularly review our club offer by speaking to our pupils and asking them what clubs they would like available. Clubs are launched at the start of each term, please contact the school office for further details.
Previous clubs have included:
- Enterprise
- Arts and crafts
- Reading for Pleasure
- Dance
- Drama
- Athletics
- Gymnastics
- Football
- Singing
- Rugby
- Fitness
- Science club
- Pebble Painting
- Zorb Football
- Creative Club