
At Craven Primary Academy, we like to celebrate each and every child’s achievements. We award our children with points, which can then be spent in our Craven Swap Shop. The Craven Swap Shop is ran by our pupils and is open each lunchtime for children to spend the points they have earned.

The Craven Swap Shop


Our behaviour policy is ‘Good to be Green,’ where expectations are set out for children including respecting their peers both in and out of the classroom, displaying green behaviour and moving around the academy in a quiet and orderly manner. Pupil reward points are regularly awarded to children who display green behaviour.


We promote the importance of excellent attendance and the positive impact it has on children’s progress. Children who achieve 100% attendance for a term are rewarded with a certificate as are children who attend for a full year.

Home Reading

Children who read 3 times a week, every week are awarded termly regular readers certificates and a book to enjoy.

Leading Learners

Each term, children who display consistent green behaviour, have attendance of 97% or above, are regular readers and consistently complete their homework are awarded leading learners badges to celebrate their excellent achievements.